I'm Edison,

I love delivering web design solutions and expertise.

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man in black jacket and brown cap
man in black jacket and brown cap


Utilize new CSS and JavaScript frameworks.

Create captivating and interactive web designs in Adobe Suite.

Build useful full-stack websites and applications.

Learn and develop technologies in Python.

Career Goals


Lumos University Thumbnail.Lumos University Thumbnail.

Website created for a fictional university called Lumos University. The website conveys the use of fundamental design theories like space, proximity, closure, similarity, symmetry, etc. The website also conveys the use fundamental HTML and CSS technologies like media queries, grid layout, meta tag search engine optimization, block/inline elements, etc. The use of gold and black was chosen to convey optimism for prospective students and their futures as well as regal for the universities rich history and high regard. By combining foundational design theories and the intended aesthetic the project was able to create an impactful and useful website for current and future students and staff.

1. University Website

2023 | CMST386 | HTML & CSS

Click thumbnail to visit >>>

Cake (Band) Website Thumbmnail.Cake (Band) Website Thumbmnail.

Website created for the California alternative rock band called CAKE. The website conveys the use of fundamental design theories like space, proximity, closure, similarity, symmetry, etc. The website also conveys the use fundamental HTML and CSS technologies like media queries, grid layout, meta tag search engine optimization, block/inline elements, etc. The use of vibrant colors was chosen to mirror the high energy of the band’s music and layered to mimic the idea of layered cakes as a play on the bands name. The website project was able to effectively showcase the bands history, discography, and news to create an interactive environment for fans and the band.

2. Band Website

2023 | CMST385 | HTML & CSS

<<< Click thumbnail to visit

Food Order Application Thumbnail.Food Order Application Thumbnail.

Web form/application created for a fictional food ordering/delivery service called Food Express. The web form conveys the use of fundamental design theories like space, proximity, closure, similarity, symmetry, etc. The website also conveys the use fundamental HTML and CSS technologies but emphasizes the use of Javascript (JS) technologies to add functionality to the form, such as: regular expressions (regex), DOM manipulation, event listeners, window alerts, functions, if statements, etc. The form was able to capture all the requirements to have visitors place a custom order without accidentally leaving out or incorrectly typing information through the use of fail safes programmed with Javascript.

3. Delivery Form

2023 | CMST388| HTML , CSS, JS

Click thumbnail to visit >>>

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